Frequently asked questions
Q: Which 993’s does IMMO BLOCK work in?
A: IMMO BLOCK is designed to plug into North American and Saudi market Porsche 993's made between mid 1995 thru 1998 - coupes, cabs, targas and turbos, narrow body and wide body. If you have a wireless key FOB and original equipment immobilizer, IMMO BLOCK will work for you.
Q. What about 993's built for other markets (RoW vehicles)?
A. IMMO BLOCK works in RoW 993's, too. The only difference is it gets wired to the car instead of plugging it into the gong relay socket, which RoW vehicles do not have. Wiring is a simple DIY. IMMO BLOCK works the same way in RoW 993's as it does in North American 993's. (UK-market 993's use a different immobilizer that is incompatible with IMMO BLOCK).
Q: What about early 95's that don't use wireless key FOBs?
A: Early 95's use a different immobilizer that doesn't have the lock/unlock issue of later models. If you have an early '95 you do not need IMMO BLOCK and should not install one.
Q. My computer (ECU) has performance tuning modifications. Will IMMO BLOCK work for me?
A. Yes. IMMO BLOCK only requires that the car have an original equipment immobilizer.
Q. Will I still need my key FOB after installing IMMO BLOCK?
A. You won't need the key FOB to start the car but you still need it to unlock the doors. That's a separate function controlled by the Alarm Control Unit.
Q. Can I remove my immobilizer after installing IMMO BLOCK?
A. No. You still need the immobilizer to lock and unlock the doors and program key FOBs. No immobilizer defeat lets you remove the immobilizer.
Q: Are there unwanted side effects to using IMMO BLOCK?
A. Other than loss of the door chime, there are no known side effects using IMMO BLOCK. IMMO BLOCK simply eliminates nuisance locking/unlocking. In all other ways your car will behave normally.
Q: Do I need to install a starter bypass relay?
A. No. ECU-type workarounds require a starter bypass relay, IMMO BLOCK does not, nor does it require any other component or modification.
Q: Will IMMO BLOCK interfere with my OBD II diagnostic scan tool?
A: No. Any scanner that worked before you installed IMMO BLOCK will still work .
Q: Can I still program key FOBs with IMMO BLOCK installed?
A: Absolutely. IMMO BLOCK won't interfere with key FOB programming or the Emergency start procedure described in the owner's manual.
Q: Can someone start my car by just plugging in an IMMO BLOCK?
A: No. IMMO BLOCK has to be activated with your FOB before it will start working.
Q: How long will the IMMO BLOCK battery last?
A. A 9V alkaline battery will last approximately 2 years. A 9v lithium will last about 3 years. Actual life depends on battery brand and environmental conditions.
Q: What happens when the IMMO BLOCK battery reaches end of life?
A. When the IMMO BLOCK battery runs down the car simply behaves like it did before IMMO BLOCK was installed. If you notice having to use the FOB to start the car, change the IMMO BLOCK battery to resume blocking behavior.
Q: Is there a way to power IMMO BLOCK off the car battery instead of the 9v battery?
A. Yes. This simple DIY adapter will let you power IMMO BLOCK off the car.
Q: Will IMMO BLOCK affect my car insurance?
A. This should not be a problem. IMMO BLOCK only eliminates nuisance locking/unlocking. You still have full OEM anti-theft protection when you lock the car with the FOB.
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